jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

Creative Catechist

RTJ’s Creative Catechist magazine’s colorful format, relevant content makes it one of the most important and popular catechetical titles in the market today. This valuable resource offers catechists and DRE’s practical how-to articles on faith formation that is fun, easy and relevant, ensuring a successful classroom experience.

For forty years, RTJ’s Creative Catechist has been supporting religious education in parish schools of religion and Catholic schools. The magazine was founded originally as a supplementary resource for volunteer catechists and Directors of Religious Education (DREs) in parish CCD programs, which is what the parish schools of religion were called at that time. The publication recognizes that there are hundreds of thousands of volunteer catechists each year who need more inspiration and support in their catechetical ministries.

RTJ’s Creative Catechist magazine is part of Bayard’s global evangelization mission to provide Catholics with support and inspiration in their personal and parish lives. Always consistent with the Catechism, faith-building activities, how-to articles, spiritual inspiration, web resources and teaching tips will form the core of the newly enhanced content. RTJ's Creative Catechist will provide everything that DREs, catechists and teachers need to create fun, exciting, and successful classroom experiences.

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